Editor failed to update unit - This happens when the page was not able to be saved. If you receive this error, try saving again and make sure you have an internet connection.
Missing or invalid link - This happens if the app was unable to detect a URL from the link that was entered.
Unable to crop/rotate image - The image was unable to be altered, make sure you have internet access and that the image was not deleted from another browser window.
Unable to load the page's contents - This is rare and means that the page might not have saved properly to bulb or that your internet connection disconnected while trying to load the page.
Unable to upload file - The file you tried to upload was moved, your device no longer has permission to access the file, or the internet connection disconnected.
No internet connection - Your internet connection was dropped.
Network request was cancelled - Your internet connection was dropped.
Server unavailable - The app was unable to communicate with the bulb servers. This might be due to server maintenance or an internet connection issue.
URL is invalid - The URL that was entered is malformed or missing.
Request is invalid - The app is asking the bulb server for data that doesn't exist. Check to make sure you are on the most recent version of the app.
Not Authorized - The user account doesn't have permission to access the specific page or you might have signed out of bulb.
Logged out - The user is logged out of bulb on the device.
Upload failed - The upload failed due to a timeout or internet connection issue.
Download failed - Getting data from the bulb server failed, this might happen during server maintenance.
The service returned no data - The bulb server might be under maintenance or the iOS app is out of date.
API request completed with error - The bulb server might be under maintenance or the iOS app is out of date.
Unable to move item at this time - The app is unable to move an item in a collection. Try again from the bulb website.
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